Constellation Delphinus in the natal charts of Olympic swimmers
Manilius wasn't lying about the Dolphin!
The Sun is conjunct Sualocin, the alpha star of constellation Delphinus, which is projected at 17° tropical Aquarius.
One of my favourite references when it comes to fixed stars is Astronomica by Marcus Manilius. And one of my favourite passages from this beautiful astrological manual written all in Latin verse1 is this one about the Delphinus constellation (emphasis mine):
When the sea-dark Dolphin ascends from Ocean to the heavens and emerges with its scales figured by stars, birth is given to children who will be equally at home on land and in the sea. For just as the dolphin is propelled by its swift fins through the waters, now cleaving the surface, now the depths below, and derives momentum from its undulating course, wherein it reproduces the curl of waves, so whoever is born of it will speed through the sea. […] they dive beneath the waves and try to visit Nereus and the sea nymphs in their caves […] From their different sides swimmers and divers share an equal enthusiasm for both pursuits, for their enthusiasm, though displayed in different ways, springs from a single source.
— Astronomica, Marcus Manilius, trad. Goold
You might be thinking “Well, not everyone born under Delphinus is going to be a professional swimmer or diver, Azur!” and you would be right. There are some delineations of Delphinus marking a nativity that are going to be less literal. But it is also, sometimes, that literal.
Case in point!