Corruptions of liberty and fixed star Alpheratz
American dreams, American lies, social conscience and struggles to rethink freedom
I wrote about fixed star Alpheratz in a previous article last year, and in French back in 2022 as well. The alpha star of constellation Andromeda, Alpheratz is currently projected at 14° tropical Aries.
Recently, I’ve found Alpheratz to be loud. I noticed this signature in events, people, concepts I encountered daily. There was a whisper of something, insistent, around the concepts of liberty and freedom. I eventually realised I needed to write more about this star.
Keywords for Alpheratz
Rigor writes that the general effect of Alpheratz is ‘to bestow wealth, honors, cheerfulness, optimism, versatility, good judgement, a love of life, a love of ease and comfort and a tendency towards being lazy; negatively, […] can be too outspoken, self destruct, create or become involved in actions of a disgraceful nature, harbor wrong thoughts; violence possible.’
At first glance, I find this type of delineation somewhat frustratin because it’s so broad it just sounds vaguely ominous. But it’s worth thinking about the contradictions here and what it can mean for Alpheratz1. I’m reminded of descriptions involving Mars and Jupiter2: there’s the potential for enthusiasm and pluckiness, but also impulsiveness, obliviousness, entitlement and abrasiveness. All stars, wandering or fixed, have range3.
Contemporary astrologers specialised in fixed stars tend to agree that Alpheratz people have a strong need for independence, living on their own terms; a love of movement and speed4. This sounds pretty straight-forward, but can express in a variety of manners as well, which I’ve tried to showcase in the previous article.
Here’s what Bernadette Brady said, for instance, about Alpheratz:
This star is linked to freedom, love of movement, speed and the sheer joy of the wind in one's hair. In your chart, it floods the planet to which it is linked with the desire or expression of freedom to move and an ability to take action.
Thinking some more about Alpheratz launched me into several different rabbit-holes. The first of them was around symbols of freedom, discourse around freedom of speech, and the levels of hypocrisy that can be found therein.